Despite what many people believe (mainly parents), gaming can pay off! Competitive gaming certainly earns professionals a lot of money and other times you might find a niche app that awards actual money for getting a high score. Bitcoin Bandit falls under the latter type of money-making games, but does it promise to earn you enough money? Read our Bitcoin Bandit review below to find out!
Platform Used For Bitcoin Bandit Review: Samsung S7 Edge
Developer: Bitcoin Bandit
Genre: Arcade
Recommended If You Like: Flappy Bird
Price: Free
Have you heard of Bitcoins? The virtual currency with a fluctuating market value? If not, perhaps you should read more about them here.
Now that you’re more knowledgeable about Bitcoins and how you can use them, you will probably find the concept of Bitcoin Bandit to be a lot more alluring.
To put it simply, Bitcoin Bandit allows you to earn Satoshis as you collect in-game coins. A Satoshi is worth 0.00000001 of a Bitcoin, or a hundreth of a millionth. That means if you play enough Bitcoin Bandit, which is actually surprisingly easy to find yourself doing, you’ll eventually earn yourself a Bitcoin or two!
So how easy is it to earn your first Bitcoin I hear you ask. Well if you were ever addicted to Flappy Bird and played over and over until you got the highest score imaginable, you’ll find getting into Bitcoin Bandit to be a cinch!
How Do I Play?
You play as a bunny, named Bandit, who is strapped to a rocket pack. When you hold your finger down on the screen, the rocket pack lifts you upward. Letting go of the screen will cause your bunny to head back toward the ground. The whole point of utilising your rocket pack is to avoid stinging bees and other such nasties. Also of course to prevent your cotton-tailed self from crashing into the ground. The concept is very easy to get used to, but the skill required to become a master of Bitcoin Bandit will take some time to achieve.
Scores you need to achieve are pretty insane, however Flappy Bird fanatics will find this as a much appreciated challenge.
There are currently two game modes to play. The first is Practice mode which allows you to perfect your rocket pack skills and master the art of bee dodging. Practice mode is only a precursor to the second game mode, Tournament. Playing the Tournament mode is where you’ll start to collect Satoshis to go toward your first Bitcoin. In-game coins collected in Practice mode do not go toward your Satoshi count which is indicated by the slightly faded out design of the coins.
Of course with the Tournament mode you’ll also be competing against other players to get the top score. Placing in the top ten of the leaderboard in Tournament mode can potentially earn you bonus Bitcoins which are rewarded directly to your Bitcoin wallet. But the scores you need to achieve are pretty insane, however Flappy Bird fanatics will find this as a much appreciated challenge.

5 million Satoshis? I’m in!
The Tournaments take place from Friday to Friday each week of the year, so no matter what your plans are, you’ll always have a chance to compete against others. However there is a slight downside in the form of a thirty minute wait between being able to play the Tournament. Once you finally hit one of those obstacles or crash into the ground, you won’t be able to try your hand at getting the best score for thirty minutes.
Aesthetic Charm
Bitcoin Bandit incorporates some lovely graphics and level designs. Everything is styled so nicely and has such cute animations and graphics that you could purely pick up and play this game without even caring about earning Bitcoins.
The music can become a bit repetitive, but that’s solvable by turning off the music or muting your phone. However I quite like the satisfying noise played whenever you collect a coin.
Final Thoughts

A screen you’ll become far too used to…
Being able to potentially earn Bitcoins while you’re playing a game as addictive as Bitcoin Bandit is sheer genius albeit a very lengthy process. Don’t expect to get rich playing Bitcoin Bandit, but if you invest enough time into the Tournament, you may very well find yourself the proud owner of a Bitcoin or two. And to be honest, that’s not a bad feat to work toward! At 11:09AM AEST, 10/01/2017, one Bitcoin was worth $1231.65AUD!
There are quite a few Satoshi earning games out there, but I have to say Bitcoin Bandit is one of the most enjoyable to pick up and play. And being absolutely free to download, you’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain. Download Bitcoin Bandit now!
3 stars – addictive gameplay, nice graphics but quite difficult to earn real-life rewards
- Very enjoyable gameplay
- Attractive, smooth graphics
- Plenty of level designs to play through
- Collecting in-game coins rewards you with Satoshis
- Takes a very long time to earn enough Satoshis to gain one Bitcoin
[schema type=”review” url=”” name=”Download Bitcoin Bandit” description=”Despite what many people (mainly parents) believe, gaming can pay off! Competitive gaming certainly earns professionals a lot of money and other times you might find a niche app that awards actual money for getting a high score. Bitcoin Bandit falls under the latter type of money-making games, but does it promise to earn you enough money?” rev_name=”Bitcoin Bandit Review” rev_body=”Being able to potentially earn Bitcoins while you’re playing a game as addictive as Bitcoin Bandit is sheer genius albeit a very lengthy process. Don’t expect to get rich playing Bitcoin Bandit, but if you invest enough time into the Tournament, you may very well find yourself the proud owner of a Bitcoin or two. And to be honest, that’s not a bad feat to work toward! At 11:09AM AEST, 10/01/2017, one Bitcoin was worth $1231.65AUD!” author=”GameReviews AU” pubdate=”2017-01-10″ user_review=”3″ min_review=”1″ max_review=”5″ ]