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Crab War Promotional Code Giveaway

We’ve just published our review of Crab War by Appxplore. To accompany our review, the team at Appxplore have given us some promotional codes to give away! When redeemed, the codes will give you 500 pearls, the premium currency of Crab War. Enter our Crab War promotional code giveaway below!

Tap ’til You Drop

Crab War Promotional Code GiveawayCrab War is a clicker game that pits you against heaps of different reptilian enemies in a beautifully designed environment. Take control of a multitude of crabs with different powers to get as far as you can.

Queens grant you bonus damage per second (DPS) and abilities can be activated to help you in your battles.

With heaps of playability and replayability with the Ecdysis system, you’ll be building up the strength of your team until you control an army of super crabs!

To read our review, please check out the link below.

Crab War Review

Crab War Promotional Code Giveaway