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Kingdom Gameplay and Review

Kingdom was released in late 2015 and the trailers depicted a rather simple looking game. However, simple is definitely not the right word to use for this unique and mesmerising beauty. The 2D graphics are surprisingly detailed and the soundtrack is one of the most relaxing I’ve heard in a game for a long time. Check out Kyuubi the Shiba Inu doing a Kingdom gameplay and review video on YouTube below!

Platform Used For Kingdom Gameplay and Review: Gigabyte P35, Intel i7-4720HQ 2.60GHz, 16GB Ram, GeForce GT 965M
Developer: Raw Fury
Genre: Indie, Simulation, Strategy
Recommended If You Liked: Terraria, Minecraft, Majesty
Price: $9.99USD
Rating: 4 Star Review

Kingdom Gameplay and Review by Kyuubi on YouTube

Obviously because Kyuubi is a dog, he didn’t really write this review (he has paws, not hands), so instead he dictated and we wrote it down for him.

Think Kyuubi is cute? Follow him on Instagram!

Simulation games can often feel a bit samey. However, the team at Raw Fury have taken the simulation genre in a completely different direction with Kingdom.

Control either a King or Queen whilst you try and build up your empire by employing townsfolk who can work for you as workers/builders, bowmen, knights and more!

Defend your settlement during the night as monsters swarm you from the forest. The key to winning Kingdom is something you’ll either have to work out yourself, or watch Kyuubi playing the game in our video above to find out.

We really enjoyed our experience in Kingdom and will continue to play and discover all of the intricacies involved in this beautiful side-scroller.

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4 Star Review

4 stars – Kingdom utilises simple but gorgeous 2D graphics and pulls you in with addictive gameplay

Good PointsPluses:

  • Stunning environments drawn with 2D graphics
  • Mesmerising soundtrack
  • Addictive gameplay

Bad PointsMinuses:

  • Not much is explained and it takes quite a lot of thinking to work it out
  • Can be quite challenging during early game

[schema type=”review” url=”” name=”Kingdom” description=”Kingdom was released in 2015 and the trailer’s depicted a rather simple looking game. However, simple is definitely not the right word to use for this unique and mesmerising beauty. The 2D graphics are stupendous and the soundtrack is one of the most relaxing I’ve heard in a game for a long time.” rev_name=”Kingdom Gameplay and Review” rev_body=”We really enjoyed our experience in Kingdom and will continue to play and discover all of the intricacies involved in this beautiful side-scroller.” author=”GameReviews AU” pubdate=”2016-04-01″ user_review=”4″ min_review=”1″ max_review=”5″ ]

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