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Solarix Review

Jump scare tactics in games is used a little bit too frequently and with the recent cancellation of Silent Hills it seemed games designed to just plain creep you out were on their way to extinction. But lo and behold, a wild Solarix appears! As soon as you step foot into this sci-fi, first person shooter you are completely creeped out. If you enjoy being mentally scared rather than being made to jump at loud, sudden noises, Solarix is a god-send. Read further for our Solarix Review.

Platform Used For Solarix Review: Dell XPS 17, Intel i7 2.00GHz, 8GB Ram, GeForce GT 555M 3GB
Developer: KISS ltd, Pulsetense
Genre: Sci-fi, Horror, Survivor, First Person Shooter
Price: $19.99USD
Rating: 4 Star Review

Pulsetense approached GameReviewsAU to have their game reviewed via the gaming platform Steam. In our opinion Solarix goes beyond our expectations and proves to be a great game. And for something so absorbing to be produced via an Indie developer is even more surprising.

The Story

Solarix Story

Ok that Betty girl is just nuts…

The story of Solarix is inspired via a range of classic science fiction films. You play as an engineer, delightfully named Walter, who is fighting for survival after an unknown infection wipes out the population of an interstellar research station. Walter must try and contain the disease whilst battling the remnants of the hostile crew and struggling with his own fracturing mind.

Solarix uses voice-overs that come to Walter via computer logs, walkie talkies and speaker systems. The voice-overs are accompanied by a scrolling script of what is being said next to a static thumbnail of the speaker.

To learn more about the story and what has happened to the space station, you are encouraged to listen to audio logs and read correspondences between crew members. The story you can learn through this is really intriguing and sometimes disturbing.

The Gameplay

The usual first-person play style is used in Solarix, so is very easy to get the hang of. After a very brief tutorial, acquiring a special helmet that allows you to traverse the infected research station, and an introduction to AMI (the colony’s A.I. administrator), you are thrown right into the deep end of fear.

Solarix does a great job using sound and music to invoke different feelings. Harrowing sounds await you just outside the first room’s door and they constantly change and follow you depending on what is nearby. Malfunctioning computers whir and buzz as it sounds like they’re struggling to boot up, creepy and atmospheric sounds stalk you as your journey through the remnants of the space station begins.

The voice acting is described by Pulsetense as being professional but I would say it sounds even more professional than most next-gen games. Good voice acting is absolutely key to engaging gamers minds and Solarix has done a brilliant job in finding their voice actors. Betty’s character is delightfully disturbing!

After a short while you are presented with a pistol which has very little ammunition, a hacking tool to bypass locked doors and disarm turrets, and eventually a stun gun. Sorry but no melee weapons!

Solarix Sneaking

Sneaky sneaky? Or blasty blasty? Stunny stunny is my preference!

You can choose your own way to play. Burn through your ammunition like a crazy person, sneak around without laying a finger on the hostile opponents with the help of throwable objects to create distractions, or creep up behind enemies and stun them with your stun gun.

Personally I preferred the stun gun method but when push came to shove, the pistol (or at a later point, the shotgun) ended up playing a important part in my survival.

Health packs can also be found that go into your inventory to be used a later time. I found that these were quite abundant compared to ammunition so didn’t really mind using them.

Enemies come in different shapes and forms. You’ve got your military type troops patrolling the grounds armed with machine guns, insane foes who literally come at you swinging and a few robots here and there.

Continue reading on the next page…

[schema type=”review” url=”” name=”GameReviewsAU Solarix Review” description=”Pulsetense approached GameReviewsAU to have their game reviewed via the gaming platform Steam. In our opinion Solarix goes beyond our expectations and proves to be a great game. And for something so absorbing to be produced via an Indie developer is even more surprising.” rev_name=”Solarix Review” rev_body=”I was blown away by Solarix and find it to be an incredibly exciting yet disturbing adventure. It’s been quite a while since I was creeped out this much by a game, but I’m glad Pulsetense have managed to pull it off!” author=”GameReviews AU” pubdate=”2015-01-19″ user_review=”4″ min_review=”1″ max_review=”5″ ]

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