Twitch games are starting to become a recognised genre. The games of the genre carry quite a strong love/hate relationship with most gamers. The conquest to master your reflexes so as to dodge the rapidly oncoming obstacles can be quite rewarding, as the skills involved can be carried over to other games that require lightning-fast (or as close to as possible) reflexes. Storm Rush brings you a game that is everything a twitch game is defined by and I can’t wait to see more updates.
Platform Used For Storm Rush Review: iPad 2
Developer: Popcorn Entertainment
Genre: Twitch game/endless runner
What is a Twitch Game?
The whole idea of twitch games is to test your reaction time. A gamer needs a keen eye to see what they need to do in order to avoid a collision, make that pixel-perfect headshot or jump at the right time, and then translate the information their eyes are receiving into a super-fast reaction so as to successfully pull off the task. The term ‘twitch’ comes from the sharp, sudden movements a player makes when reacting to an on-screen event.
Storm Rush throws so many obstacles at you that you have no choice but to develop your reaction speeds in order to get beyond the first four seconds of gameplay.

The colours of the towers change with each ‘section’ of the run.
To control the game all you need to do is press on either the left or right sides of the screen to make your character travel in that direction. The arrows that display are purely for reference and don’t need to be pressed exactly as I found out after a couple of runs.
The Gameplay
Storm Rush provides you with two different modes to choose from: Classic and Rush.
A typical ‘once you hit the wall it’s game over’ type mode. The initial speed is quite unforgiving, throwing you into the deep end pretty much straight away. You must dodge constantly-spawning coloured towers as you rocket your way across gravity defying platforms that are coming into existence in the distance as you progress. The obstacles become harder and harder to dodge, cruelly testing your reaction times until you crash and have to start again.
A much more forgiving timed game mode that provides the same experience as Classic but instead of there being an instant game over when you crash, you are slowed down and need to build up momentum again. Each ‘section’ of the mode gives you thirty seconds to reach a checkpoint whereby another thirty seconds are added to the timer. But you need to be on the ball with this mode, as thirty seconds becomes quite a tight gap that doesn’t allow for error.

My best score!
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[schema type=”review” url=”” name=”Download Storm Rush” description=”Twitch games are starting to become a recognised genre. The games of the genre carry quite a strong love/hate relationship with most gamers. The conquest to master your reflexes so as to dodge the rapidly oncoming obstacles can be quite rewarding, as the skills involved can be carried over to other games that require lightning-fast (or as close to as possible) reflexes. Storm Rush brings you a game that is everything a twitch game is defined by and I can’t wait to see more updates.” rev_name=”Storm Rush Review” rev_body=”For a genre that already has many big name rivals, indie game developer Popcorn Entertainment has really hit the nail on it’s head with Storm Rush. It could definitely be the next big thing after it’s predecessors but at the moment there’s not really much incentive for replay. Unless you’re the type of gamer who wants to be the very best and get the highest score in the world, you’re going to struggle to find a reason to go back to it.” author=”GameReviews AU” pubdate=”2015-05-21″ user_review=”3″ min_review=”1″ max_review=”5″ ]