The city of Cloudbank is under attack by an organisation known as the Camerata. The protagonist, Red, a contemporary artist with a golden voice, gets caught up in the mess and is forced to figure out what is going on with the help of the newly acquired Transistor. A sword used by the Camerata that falls into the hands of our classy heroine. Red is guided through her journey by the voices of those who dwell inside the Transistor on an adventure that will leave you perplexed and wanting answers.
Platform Used For Transistor Review: Dell XPS 17, Intel i7 2.00GHz, 8GB Ram, GeForce GT 555M 3GB
Developer: Supergiant Games
Genre: Action Role-Playing Game
The Story Is About What?
The story in Transistor is quite convoluted, requiring you to pay pretty close attention to what is being said by the voices who dwell inside the sword appropriated by Red.

You can’t NOT love the artwork found throughout Transistor.
In short Transistor is a science fiction action RPG where you will fight your way through the futuristic city of Cloudbank. Wielding the Transistor (a powerful sword of unknown origin), Red will piece together the mysteries of the Transistor by pursuing it’s former owners.
During an attack by the Process (a robotic force controlled by an organisation known as the Camerata), Red loses her voice to the great-sword known as the Transistor. You come to find Red kneeling next to an unknown man who lies motionless beside her. This man’s consciousness has been absorbed into the sword which, while Red wields the weapon, can speak to her acting as the narrator of the story and Red’s guide.
Red is now being hunted by the Camerata who want to track her down and retrieve the Transistor by using the Process to attack and kill her. Why they want the sword however, is still a mystery.
Transistor logically combines strategy with a fast-paced action experience, resulting in a combination of reactive gameplay and rich, deep storytelling.
I must say, the combat in Transistor is incredibly enjoyable. You have the option to battle in real-time just like any action game, or freeze time to plan out a number of moves to take place during your turn, however each turn has a cost and you can only afford so many moves.
Real-time combat allows you to use your abilities (or functions) on the go but they have a use-time and a cooldown.

Battles allow for strategic gameplay whilst at the same time giving you some great visuals.
Turn-based combat gives you a gauge that is filled up depending on how much the functions you use cost. After your turn is executed you will be placed on a global cooldown of varying time depending on how much of your gauge you filled up. The more moves you use, the longer the global cooldown and vice versa, allowing for true strategic combat.
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[schema type=”review” url=”” name=”Download Transistor” description=”The city of Cloudbank is under attack by an organisation known as the Camerata. The protagonist, Red, a contemporary artist with a golden voice, gets caught up in the mess and is forced to figure out what is going on with the help of the newly acquired Transistor. A sword used by the Camerata that falls into the hands of our classy heroine. Red is guided through her journey by the voices of those who dwell inside the Transistor on an adventure that will leave you perplexed and wanting answers.” rev_name=”Transistor Review” rev_body=”If you love an engaging storyline with lots of questions to be answered, Transistor is right up your alley. But if you want a game that has a different type of strategic combat you haven’t experienced before, you will also be greatly impressed.” author=”GameReviews AU” pubdate=”2015-03-31″ user_review=”4″ min_review=”1″ max_review=”5″ ]