Vector style 3D artwork in games is becoming a very popular way of making in-game graphics that much more enjoyable to look at. Crashing Season introduces a wonderfully animated game combined with an old-school difficulty level. The learning curve is quite steep but you’ll enjoy yourself in spite of this because of the love and effort gone into each and every sprite.
Platform Used For Crashing Season Review: LG G3
Developer: Koukoi Games
Genre: Top Down 3D Runner
Price: Free with in app purchases
It’s been quite a while since I came across a game that not only takes me by the hand to learn the basics, but throws me head first into the deep end of challenging gameplay.
I first played Crashing Season by Finnish developer Koukoi Games when it came out on the Google Play store in December of 2015. Since then the game has been updated and heaps of things have been fixed up and made easier to use.
What Do You Supposedly Crash?
In Crashing Season you control an animal of your choosing. To begin with you start with a bear. Eventually you gain access to more animals like a boar, crocodile, moose and heaps more! So far my favourite has got to be the moose! MOOSE POWER!!

Each area you get to allows for new animals to be unlocked.
Each animal has a different speed level and turning capability so you’ll have to get used to each. For example the boar is quite nimble whereas the bear takes a little bit more turning to get him around a tight corner.
Choose the level you wish to play by going to the map and selecting it from there. Accomplish objectives to progress to new levels.
In the level you play, your animal will automatically run and it’s up to you to control them by pressing either the left side of the screen to turn left or the right to turn right.
The game presents itself as a top down view of a small piece of land packed with obstacles, enemy spawning points such as buildings and tents; and some levels will even challenge you with areas of water that you can fall into, resulting in an instant game over.
Each animal comes prepared with an ability to help you out, such as momentarily paralysing enemies, or extra fast charges. You can unlock more abilities as you earn more gold throughout the game.
Enemies such as hunters and the like, will assault you with a barrage of bullets that are incredibly well-aimed. Other enemies might throw golf clubs at you or chase you around in vehicles.
Your health gauge will deplete with every shot you take, every crash into an immovable object you make and every time you collide with a vehicle.

The boar makes for some quick and challenging gameplay!
It’s up to you to take out the enemies as fast as possible by crashing into them. You’ll be rewarded with coins to purchase unlockables, and candies to replenish your health. Throughout levels, mushrooms will spawn that restore a little bit of health. So be on the lookout!
Your health will drop incredibly fast especially when faced with such sharp-shooting enemies. Seriously, some of the shots they fire seem to predict exactly where you’ll be if you stay running in a straight line, so mix it up with lots of dodging and turning!
Trust me when I say that this game is going to challenge, frustrate and ultimately satisfy you, so don’t give up if you think it’s too hard. Once you’ve gotten over the rather steep hill of learning how to control your animals successfully you’ll be rampaging through each level like a pro and loving it!
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[schema type=”review” url=”” name=”Download Crashing Season” description=”Vector style 3D artwork in games is becoming a very popular way of making in-game graphics that much more enjoyable to look at. Crashing Season introduces a wonderfully animated game combined with an old-school difficulty level.” rev_name=”Crashing Season Review” rev_body=”The music is a bit of a downer and the learning curve is quite steep. Some younger gamers might be a little bit turned off seeing as games these days are relatively easy but for those who want to get a real old-school challenge, this is your game.” author=”GameReviews AU” pubdate=”2016-05-25″ user_review=”4″ min_review=”1″ max_review=”5″ ]