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Fall Review

Recently I seem to have been quite caught up in only looking for games that focus on storylines, upgrades, levels, multitudes of characters and what not. I’ve almost forgotten what it feels like to sit down and casually play a game where the main goal is purely to dominate the scoreboard. Fall has brought me right back to the roots of casual gaming and does a great job of capturing my attention for hours on end. Read for our Fall review.

Platform Used For Fall Review: LG G3
Developer: Pootikat Productions
Genre: Casual Continuous Falling Platformer
Rating: 3 Star Review
Free with in app purchases

How many times have you had that dream where you’re falling, and then end up being rudely awoken by the strange feeling that you’ve just fallen back onto your bed from some unknown reality? Some people absolutely hate these dreams yet I seem to enjoy them. Perhaps that’s why I enjoy Fall so much?

Or Is It?

I don’t really think my dreams have impacted on the enjoyment gained from Fall. I simply put it down to the fact that it’s a great take on a familiar formula.

Fall Jelly Ball

Seriously… I want to eat that ball.

In Fall, you are usually in control of a ball. I use the term “usually” because sometimes it might be a cube of pudding, other times it could be a cube that can rip through the very fabric of space and time to create a convenient portal. It all depends on which ball you’d like to use.

There are over forty different balls/characters to choose from and many of them have unique abilities. These little perks quite often come in handy when playing and also provide a nice little bit of entertainment that’ll embrace your inner geek.

You can purchase a couple of these balls with real cash via in-app purchases or with gems that can be earned by watching adverts, finding them throughout the game or completing challenges.

What Do I Do With Said Ball?

The whole premise of Fall is that the ball you are controlling is continuously falling. Sounds simple enough right? Wrong! The ball responds to physics the same way a regular ball would; bouncing off walls, getting stuck in branches etc.

Yes… there really are branches scattered throughout the constantly randomised levels, and they are strategically shaped and placed to create as much chaos a ball can endure.

Alongside the evil branches of doom are spinning pieces of bamboo whose main goal in their existence is to completely put you off track during your constant descent.

Chinese style lanterns also slowly make their way upwards and explode upon contact with your chosen ball. The explosion will send you flying and if you get flung back the way you came, then be prepared for an instant game over.

Branches, Bamboo, Lanterns, GAME OVER?

Fear not! All those years wondering what that finger next to your thumb is for are finally over!

In Fall, you are in control of a magical paint brush. You control where and how far the paint brush will draw by swiping a finger across the screen. Of course you can use any finger to do this, not just your index finger but to each their own!

Fall Portal Ball

“The Ball Is A Lie”

The lines of paint or rips through reality that spawn from your fingers act as blockades for your ball to bounce off, or guard against nasty dips that can potentially put an end to your fall.

For example, you’ll eventually encounter a whole row of lanterns coming at you and the fear for your balls safety will cloud your mind. However, don’t let that fear consume you because the answer is to simply draw a line with that magical paint brush above your ball and block it from being blasted to infinity and up past the top of the screen.

Drawing lines also comes in handy when aiming your ball at powerups such as miniaturisation (makes your ball smaller each time you grab one resulting in easier navigation of tight branch placements), extra challenge modes (rewards you with bonus gems if you pass successfully) and a few others.

Continue reading on the next page…

[schema type=”review” url=”” name=”Download Fall” description=”How many times have you had that dream where you’re falling, and then end up being rudely awoken by the strange feeling that you’ve just fallen back onto your bed from some unknown reality? Some people absolutely hate these dreams yet I seem to enjoy them. Perhaps that’s why I enjoy Fall so much?” rev_name=”Fall Review” rev_body=”Obviously Fall is still a baby in Pootikat Productions hands, so it has a bit of growing to do. But I really do see great potential in it once it has fully matured and can’t wait to see the product of Pootikat Productions’ nurturing.” author=”GameReviews AU” pubdate=”2016-01-22″ user_review=”3″ min_review=”1″ max_review=”5″ ]

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