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Final Fantasy Awakening 59 Second Review – I Think I Fell Asleep


Oh hack ‘n’ slash mobile games, how I love you so. Tapping away at attack and ability buttons, implementing strategies and upgrading weapons and gear to overcome stronger foes is such a joy! But it would seem the aforementioned criteria doth not maketh a game. Watch our Final Fantasy Awakening 59 Second Review below to find out why!

Platform Used For Final Fantasy Awakening 59 Second Review: Samsung S7 Edge
Developer: Square Enix
Genre: Action, Adventure, RPG
Recommended if you like: PS1 hack ‘n’ slash games
Rating: 2 Star Review

Final Fantasy Awakening 59 Second Review on YouTube

I’d heard of Final Fantasy Agito and Type-0 a while ago and always thought it would amazing to have a hack ‘n’ slash type FF game for mobile.

Years passed and I never heard of it coming to Australia.

I started to lose hope, but at the same time, heaps  of other games came out that also showed off some amazing hack ‘n’ slash gameplay.

More time passed and by the time Final Fantasy Awakening came out down under, it was way too dated. Trust me, when you see the gameplay in our video review, you’ll see what I mean…

Make sure you check out our Final Fantasy Awakening 59 Second Review above and if you like it, go on and download it via the links at the top of this page!

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2 Star Review

2 stars – a rather disappointing Final Fantasy mobile game that just doesn’t live up to today’s standard

Good PointsPluses:

  • Plenty of freebies such as login rewards etc.
  • Fancy animations when activating special abilities

Bad PointsMinuses:

  • Dated graphics fail to impress, especially on phones with high-resolution screens
  • Boring and uninspiring tap, tap, tap combat
  • Upgrading characters and allies feels pointless and unrewarding
  • The entire game just feels like a money grab

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