Fire Fu initially caught my eye when browsing recent game releases on the interweb. I was initially drawn to it by the graphics. Presented in a beautiful hand-painted art-style, Fire Fu contains detailed environments and a lovely range of different oranges to stick with the ‘fire’ theme. Keep reading for the rest of our Fire Fu review.
Platform Used For Fire Fu Review: Apple iPad 2
Developer: RetroFist
Genre: 2D Action/Arcade
Recommended If You Liked: Cut the Rope, Fruit Ninja
Price: $2.99AUD
Art-style aside, I was really quite intrigued by what the gameplay had to offer. Sure there’s fire and lovely graphics, but is there any fun to be had? My answer is yes and no.
The Yes
Those of you familiar with Fruit Ninja will feel right at home playing Fire Fu. Basically all that is required of you is to swipe your finger like a mad man across the screen in order to burn through as many enemies as you can. Because of the intense physical activity, it’s a good idea to make sure you’ve limbered up before knuckling down to a session of Fire Fu.

It’s easy to miss those bombs when the screen is flooded with enemies.
In the sixty seconds allocated each time you play, a variety of monsters will enter the screen from all directions at once, so you need to be on your toes and use your brain to prioritise which enemies you should focus on first. Each enemy takes a certain amount of swipes to kill. Some of them will go down with one swift swipe whilst others may take a couple of goings over.
However, you are limited to how much fire can be output. If you try and keep your finger on the screen constantly, you’ll run out of fire to use. Your fire gauge can be replenished by releasing your finger from the screen and thankfully, it recharges pretty quickly.
To help out with your point-scoring swipe-fest, little blue pixies fly onto the screen and dart around. If you manage to get one with your fire, you’ll rewarded with extra time or a temporary double point bonus.
Amongst the monsters charging onto your screen are bombs. Bombs will explode if touched by the fire your finger is spewing, and will also deduct points. When a bomb explodes, all monsters on the screen will be destroyed and you won’t receive a single point for any of them.
When you’ve found yourself a good rhythm of swiping and allowing your fire gauge to recharge, you will most likely let your guard down and end up accidentally igniting a bomb. So as well as prioritising the monsters you need to focus on, always keep a sharp eye out for those pesky bombs.
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[schema type=”review” url=”″ name=”Download Fire Fu” description=”Fire Fu initially caught my eye when browsing recent game releases on the interweb. I was initially drawn to it by the graphics. Presented in a beautiful hand-painted art-style, Fire Fu contains detailed environments and a lovely range of different oranges to stick with the fire theme.” rev_name=”Fire Fu Review” rev_body=”I really feel that gamers of a younger age will enjoy Fire Fu immensely. Being able to go absolutely nuts with your fingers is taxing on your muscles, but for young ‘uns, decimating the monsters will probably be a cinch.” author=”GameReviews AU” pubdate=”2016-03-07″ user_review=”3″ min_review=”1″ max_review=”5″ ]