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The Greedy Cave Review

Wow. Just wow… Let me introduce you to a beautiful hidden gem on the Apple App Store. After finishing a few story-intense games, I felt like knuckling down to a bit of simple dungeon crawling. Doing a search around the web brought up heaps of choices, which to be honest, all looked the same. As I continued to stumble my way around Google, I came across some dungeon crawling images on Google image search that depicted a very unique art-style. Upon closer inspection I learned the game was called “The Greedy Cave”, and since downloading it, I’ve become hooked! Read the rest of our The Greedy Cave review below!

Platform Used For The Greedy Cave Review: Apple iPad 2
Developer: AvalonGames
Genre: Rogue-like Dungeon Crawler
Rating: 4 Star Review
Recommended If You Liked:
Diablo, Torchlight or any dungeon crawlers
Price: $1.49AUD on iOS (with in-app purchases) or free on GooglePlay

Check out our new The Greedy Cave Hints and Tips page!

With an art-style that reminds a fair few gamers of the game “Don’t Starve” by Klei Entertainment, The Greedy Cave was developed by a company I’ve not come across before called AvalonGames.

To begin with, you are prompted to create your character by choosing from a select few head/facial features. Choose your hair to look anywhere from crazy to suave, select eyes to create an evil looking villain or an honest hero, and lastly pick a mouth to show off your fangs or greedy grin.

Why So Greedy?

The Greedy Cave Secret Room

What do you think is in the blue chest?

The Greedy Cave is what it sounds like. A cave with one-hundred floors that test just how greedy you are. Each floor is randomly created via procedural generation, so each crawl you make is different to the last. Floors will be dominated by myriad monsters guarding loot to pilfer, as well as obstacles and traps to hinder your progress. Sometimes you might even be lucky enough to stumble across a secret room filled with treasures galore! One of which costs premium currency to unlock.

Traverse each level of the cave by tapping where you’d like your unique hero to move. If an enemy blocks your path, then you’ll need to tap on said beasty to initiate an automatically controlled battle. The outcome is determined by your stats versus the enemy’s. If you’d like to check up on how strong a foe is, perform a “long click” (as the developers like to put it) on the desired foe and you’ll be able to suss out their HP, attack, defence and weaknesses.

The Greedy Cave Elements

The Greedy Cave Elements

The Greedy Cave takes the dungeon crawling genre back to it’s roots by allowing you to assign skill points, earned through levelling up, to different stats such as, attack, defence, mana, power, and more. Acquired gear will boost those stats and also provide you with bonuses like elemental damage.

The Greedy Cave Skills

Skill trees! Everyone loves skill trees!

As well as gaining skill points as you level up, once you’ve accumulated a certain amount of points, special skills become available. Kind of like a talent tree. These skills can do anything from leeching life from an opponent at the cost of mana, passive effects that can add a bleed debuff to enemies and more.

Scattered throughout levels and dropped by enemies are ingredients that can be used to enchant your items at the cost of mana. Enchanting can only be performed whilst inside a dungeon, and only at enchanting tables that you happen to come across.

Other places of interest found in dungeons come in the form of statues that will bless any item in your inventory to become gold quality. Only items of gold quality or above may be taken with you to the outside world. Anything else in your bags will be forfeited when you teleport back to town (the only way to get back to town is to teleport, finish the dungeon or die).

Continue reading on the next page…

[schema type=”review” url=”” name=”Download The Greedy Cave” description=”After finishing a few story-intense games, I felt like knuckling down to a bit of simple dungeon crawling. Doing a search around the web brought up heaps of choices, which to be honest, all looked the same. As I continued to stumble my way around Google, I came across some dungeon crawling images on Google image search that depicted a very unique art-style. Upon closer inspection I learned the game was called The Greedy Cave, and since downloading it, I’ve become hooked!” rev_name=”The Greedy Cave Review” rev_body=”For a game that seems to have just sprung out of nowhere, The Greedy Cave is incredibly detailed and has the gameplay mechanics to satiate fans of classic dungeon crawlers. There’s heaps to play through and even more replayability as you grind for better gear to slowly create a super-amazing looking character.” author=”GameReviews AU” pubdate=”2016-02-11″ user_review=”4″ min_review=”1″ max_review=”5″ ]

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