A game set in the land of Nosgoth where vampires reign supreme and humans fight to regain their territory. Play as a vampire or a human in this outstanding online PvP melee and choose from one of 5 classes per race. Kill as much as you like or take a supporting role to aid the rest of your team, the choice is yours.
Platform Used For Nosgoth Review: Dell XPS 17, Intel i7 2.00GHz, 8GB Ram, GeForce GT 555M 3GB
Developer: Psyonix
Publisher: Square Enix
Genre: F2P 3rd Person Online Team Based PvP
Price: Free
Download From: Nosgoth Website
Nosgoth has been in it’s testing phase for quite some time now. October 2013 marked the start of the closed alpha tests but since then it has slowly worked it’s way up to being in it’s current open beta phase.
Join the fight for free and take control of either humans or vampires in this battle for supremacy. Choose from five unlockable classes from either race and execute humans as a vampire or slaughter the fanged menaces as a human.
One of the amazing things about Nosgoth is that each race seems balanced in it’s own way. Of course vampires are much stronger than humans one on one, but as a team, humans can efficiently defend themselves against an incoming wave of slashing claws and gnashing fangs, given that there is well coordinated teamwork. But it does go both ways. A well coordinated vampire attack will leave a human team scattered, easy to kill.

The Summoner on the verge of death.
Having been in multiple testing phases over the years, Nosgoth has had it’s fair share of bugs and glitches, but sadly that comes with the role of smoothing out a very promising game. Some might think that Nosgoth has been in alpha and beta for far too long, but when a developer is releasing a F2P game as exuberant as this, the longer it’s being tested, the better the finished product will be.
Gimme The Run Down
Nosgoth is set in the land of… well, Nosgoth. This is the land so many have played through and taken upon themselves to study. The land found in none other than the Legacy of Kain series.
The days of humans being slaves to vampires is over, with the formerly enslaved race rising up and taking a stand against the evil plague that once were their masters.
Kain has disappeared, leaving his throne without an occupant and vampires from all around the globe are at war with one another. Only through the new threat of humanity have the vampires once again formed an alliance to quash the humans in their path.
Through this dispute, you are charged with controlling one of five classes from either race in a team of four players to fight to the death against an opposing team with members equaling the same amount. Games span over two rounds which last for twenty minutes each or until the objective is reached by one team. Once a team has won a round, you will be given the chance to play as the opposite race to that which you played during the first round. Each time you die, you can choose to play as a different character from the race your team is playing.
To prevent death, humans have the option to refill their health to full and also resupply their ammunition at recharge stations. Vampires will regenerate their health up to a certain point all the time. To fully regain their health, they will need to execute a fallen human and consume their blood.
Another point to note is to be wary of where you place your damaging abilities, as if you run through them yourself, you’re going to feel the pain too.

The Reaver tearing out the throat of an unfortunate human.
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[schema type=”review” url=”http://bit.ly/1HWd1C8″ name=”Download Nosgoth” description=”A game set in the land of Nosgoth where vampires reign supreme and humans fight to regain their territory. Play as a vampire or a human in this outstanding online PvP melee and choose from one of 5 classes per race. Kill as much as you like or take a supporting role to aid the rest of your team, the choice is yours.” rev_name=”Nosgoth Review” rev_body=”Nosgoth has incredibly impressive and detailed graphics yet can run extremely smoothly at the same time. During the initial few seconds of a round, I find it really fun just to move the camera angle around to look at the character I’ve selected to play. You can really appreciate the attention to detail Psyonix have gone to in order to make all the characters look really great!” author=”GameReviews AU” pubdate=”2015-03-24″ user_review=”4″ min_review=”1″ max_review=”5″ ]