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Ten Skyrim Secrets You May Not Have Known About

  • When entering the Boneyard, take a look out over the Soul Cairn. Turn left and walk along the edge of the castle until you reach the Soul Cairn boundary. Position yourself to look east and you’ll see the large crystal floating above a structure. Go into the main room of said structure and then head upstairs. You’ll find this chest directly underneath the large crystal.
  • Again from entering the Boneyard, position yourself to look South. You’ll see a tower in the distance with shifting stones and a bright light. Just to the left of it on the horizon is the next floating crystal. There’s another structure underneath that crystal with an entrance on it’s southern side. Go inside and use the portal on the floor to teleport to the roof. Open this chest and you’ll have found the next gem fragment.
  • From the northern part of the dividing wall, keep going north and a little bit west. Walk in a straight line and you’ll see a large building on your left with a soul well on it’s left. Keep heading in that direction until you come across a four-sided archway. Turn west, then follow the path under the next archway. Now you’ll come across a huge structure with a shifting rock tower. Go inside the main courtyard and look at the barred doorway with two blue orbs. Let loose an arrow or projectile spell at the two orbs in order to bring the bars down. Walk through the doorway and you’ll find the last chest.

Now you need to go to the Reaper’s Lair and place the three gem fragments on the altar. Bring on the Grim Reaper!

5. Boil Water

Not really that exciting but a nice touch by Bethesda. If you cast a fire spell on a body of water you will see it boil!

Skyrim Secrets Boil Water

6. Instakill Forsworn

Sneak up to any Forsworn and pick pocket them. Steal their heart and down they’ll go!

Skyrim Secrets Forsworn Heart

7. Remove Your Bounty After a Crime

If someone has witnessed you committing a crime and you don’t mind further condemning your soul, simply kill them before they can get away and report you. Recently received bounty gone.

Skyrim Secrets Remove Bounty

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