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Destiny 2 Gameplay and Review

Destiny 2 Gameplay and Review – Should You Join The Hype Train?

Bungie have never ceased to amaze the gaming world. Starting off with very simple games like Gnop and later on progressing to more advanced shooters like Marathon, Bungie eventually hit the jackpot with Destiny. Recently,… Read More »Destiny 2 Gameplay and Review – Should You Join The Hype Train?

No70: Eye of Basir Gameplay and Review

No70: Eye of Basir Gameplay and Review – Immersion Packed With A Puzzling Story

Sometimes you come across a gem filled with beautiful graphics, well-thought out scenery and enthralling audio. But sometimes the story itself gets a bit perplexing. No70: Eye of Basir seems to be one of those… Read More »No70: Eye of Basir Gameplay and Review – Immersion Packed With A Puzzling Story