Angry Birds is one of the great originals to grace our gaming devices and finally Rovio Entertainment have given us a long awaited sequel after so many overdone spin-offs. However, Rovio have not been very generous when it comes to the new features of Angry Birds 2. A ‘stamina-like’ system along with earnable currencies have ruined the whole experience that Angry Birds once blessed us with.
Platform Used For Angry Birds 2 Review: LG G3
Developer: Rovio Entertainment
Genre: Puzzle
Price: Free with in app purchases
Angry Birds 2 is identical to it’s predecessors where you are given the task of knocking green pigs of all shapes and sizes from off their precarious and sometimes immovable towers.
Being a sequel, Angry Birds 2 introduces a lot of new features such as: a new bird, spells, boss levels, an arena plus a handful more additions. Some of these extras are quite fun. For example, one of the spells causes every pig in the level to inflate and dramatically interfere with the layout of the towers causing glass to smash, wood to snap and concrete to shatter.
The arena is also an interesting new feature. To put it simply, it’s a never-ending level which generates a new course of towers, pigs and obstacles for you to destroy using a specific roster of birds. The further you proceed, the higher you are placed in your allocated leaderboard. If you happen to score quite well, you are rewarded with feathers that go towards levelling up your birds so that they might become more powerful which in turn helps you destroy levels faster.

Compete against other players to earn feathers for levelling up your birds.
New Isn’t Always Good
Here’s where Angry Birds 2 starts to disappoint. Along with the few new fun things Rovio Entertainment have provided their fans, there are a few unwanted and overall unappreciated extras. When Angry Birds first blessed us with it’s brain-bending, strategic puzzles, you were allowed to play as much as you wanted until it felt like your ears were going to stream forth a puddle of grey goop that was once your brain. However, now you are given five lives that decrease one by one every time you fail a level. These lives regenerate at a snails pace but fortunately (for those who have the money to spend on free to play games) you can pay to have those lives rejuvenated instantly.
A currency that resemble pink gems is awarded every day you log in as well as from presents that occasionally appear in a level. You can double the amount of daily gems awarded by watching a video that Rovio are no doubt generating a lovely amount of income from. This currency can be spent to retry a level you may have failed, but with the amount you generate from the daily allocations, you’re not going to be able to afford a retry unless you save up for at least ten days.
“Angry Birds is easy though!” I hear you say. “I can just Google the solution to a level if I get stuck!” you cry. “I won’t lose because I can just use trial and error until I find the exact trajectories to follow to pass a level!” you argue. Well, with the introduction of randomised level layouts, you’re going to be churning through lives faster than a trailer for Game of War can thrust Kate Upton’s cleavage in your face.
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[schema type=”review” url=”” name=”Download Angry Birds 2″ description=”Angry Birds is one of the great originals to grace our gaming devices and finally Rovio Entertainment have given us a long awaited sequel after so many overdone spin-offs. However, Rovio have not been very generous when it comes to the new features of Angry Birds 2. A ‘stamina-like’ system along with earnable currencies have ruined the whole experience that Angry Birds once blessed us with.” rev_name=”Angry Birds 2 Review” rev_body=”The gameplay is still the same as we all love but the way you are permitted access to playing the actual game itself is what really knocks itself out. Do we really want – nay – need another game that forces us to wait for lives to be refreshed before being allowed to play again? If you answer yes or I don’t mind, then I’m sure Angry Birds 2 is right up your alley. But if you’re like me and have better things to do than wait for timers to tick and better things to spend your money on, then be prepared for disappointment of Angry Birds 2.” author=”GameReviews AU” pubdate=”2015-08-08″ user_review=”2″ min_review=”1″ max_review=”5″ ]